Jonathan Borofsky

This video, produced by the Real Estate Channel for the Vancouver Biennale 2014-2016, is part of the Biennale’s BIG IDEAS educational program, which engages students with public art in various ways.

Human Structures Vancouver is located in the Olympic Village on the south shore of False Creek in Vancouver.

This sculpture, comprised of a series of brightly-coloured interconnected figures, conveys a sense of universal connectivity.  The distinctive shape of the galvanized steel plates refers to pixels, the base unit of computer imagery, and comments on the structural connections in our digital world.

For Borofsky, the organic, modular structure of Human Structures Vancouver suggests an ongoing process of building and learning.  In the artist’s own words, “we are all constantly in a process of connecting together to build our world…Humans use structures to build our world, not only architectural, but psychological and philosophical structures.” – Vancouver Biennale