Marie Khouri, Sculptor

Marie Khouri interviewed in her studio at Capilano University in 2011. (Not included in the series.)


l’Ecole du Louvre, Paris, France
Les Ateliers du Louvre, Paris, France

“Vancouver-based sculptor, Marie Khouri, represents the broad multi cultural and diverse demographic of Western Canada. Her childhood roots reside in the Middle East, but the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War forced her family to move to Canada.
In her early adult years, Marie moved to Paris where she discovered her passion for sculpture and received her fine arts training at Les Ateliers du Louvre. On her return to Vancouver, a retrospective of her life took form in her sculpture, reflecting a passion for innovation and spontaneity. Her practice has been greatly influenced by Henry Moore’s idea of direct carving in which the materials are repeatedly shaped in hand until the right balance of organic forms is found.
Khouri’s sculpture is unconstrained, pushing the barriers of the medium where the surfaces reveal the entire process and the finished sculpture reveals the evolutionary method by which it was created.”